CH Turkey Crk Dunwerkin Nee Ozho River
Whelped: 06/10/2015
Sire: GCHG CH Hardwood’s Full House DSX5
Dam: Turkey Creek Neosho River Wind Blossom
River came to Sky Pond Chesapeakes for some obedience work when he was three. River is the complete athlete and is one of the strongest and most intense Chesapeakes that I have encountered. He is a special dog and enjoys training, but at times his intensity can be a challenge. He reminds me of Chopper, my first male Chesapeake and hunting companion of 40 years ago. After his obedience training, River finished his Champion title, and I was able to negotiate ownership of him and he now permanently resides here.
River is dark brown and is 90 pounds of solid muscle. He would rather retrieve than eat. He has the ability to look at you and convey the message that he wants to do what is expected of him – he’s just not sure what that is. Of course, he has those times when his eyes shine with delight as he takes off, knowing he is going to get in trouble. River always receives high compliments from those who visit the kennel.
River has turned out to be a fantastic sire. Misty, from his first litter, was ready for hunt tests in the Fall of 2020, but the virus caused that not to happen. Misty whelped a super litter and made River a grand sire in January, 2021. Sass, from his second litter, finished her Conformation Championship on Memorial Day, 2021. We also have high expectations for his younger pups that are coming along.
River’s Titles, Health Certificates and Results