Welcome to Sky Pond Chesapeakes! We raise Chesapeake Bay Retrievers from show quality dogs that have the instinct and drive to be superb hunting / hunt test dogs. The ribbons in the picture below attest to our successes. To quote our friend, James Layne, “Life is too short to hunt with an ugly dog”.
We are located in the heart of the Bluegrass area of Kentucky. Our experience with Chesapeake Bay Retrievers goes back over 40 years to when John lived in the Bootheel of Missouri and hunted almost every day of waterfowl season with his first Chesapeake, Chopper.
We encourage you to visit us on Facebook for updates on Sky Pond activities.

A Note of Explanation: When Sky Pond Chesapeakes was established, there were three of us. In November 2019, our friend, Ray Cornish, passed away. Since establishment, my son, Clay, has had an increase in his work responsibilities and he and his wife had their first child. So, Clay has little time to devote to the kennel. That leaves me, John, with the help of my wife, Dorthy, to operate Sky Pond Chesapeakes. My eyesight limits my driving ability. Therefore, we rely on Stephanie Hentschel, DarRight Kennels, who trains and handles our dogs for Conformation Competition and on Jeremy Ries, MoCo Bottom’s Labs, who trains and handles our dogs for hunt tests.